Principals I Live By

I want to share some principal quotes that really motivates me to help others understand investing.

  • "Health before wealth." - Taking care of yourself first and foremost is the most important. Make sure you stay mentally and physically health because no amount of money can buy mental/physical health.

  • "Time in the market is better than timing the market." - this is just a reminder to me that starting early matters! Time is a resource that stands the test of life. Use time to exponentially compound your investments.

  • "It's not about how much you make, but how much you save." - Someone making a $100k salary and saving only $10k does not mean much versus someone making $60k salary and manages to save $20k

  • "Cash is not king. Cash flow is king." - stocks can give you dividends which acts as secondary income! Lots of people enjoy dividends because you directly see the a payout from the dividend stock versus a growth stock that has 0% pay out.

  • "Buy when everyone is fearful" - this pretty much hits on the principal of making money which is buy low and sell high. What helps me buy when I see the market drop is that I know I am buying quality stocks. Quality stocks will eventually rise/rebound.

  • "Don't look for the needle in the haystack, just buy the haystack." - this hits home on what everyone should be doing which is to buy ETFs that super diversify your portfolio. You cannot go wrong with buying a little of everything especially when ETFs are at low cost and trading commissions are nonexistent.